>the absolute state
time to learn russian I guess.
All I know is cyka blat
fucking russians
At least anons drinking habits will fit right in, maybe even be seen as lax among slavs.
So why this board? It looks like this is some guy's personal hangout where he mostly talks to himself.
Well that's that, /homu/ is dead.
>It's done
Goodbye. I guess /a/ finally got their wish.
We burned off 30 ips.
Good thing I understand drunken russian swears.
>>89347 #
Eh, true gucae will pick it up on chen2. It'll inevitably be posted there for the next week or so.
>>89350 #
Depressing. I'm an actual slav but not the vodka kind, and not old enough to at least read cirilica.
>>89351 #
>the least gay
>half the OPs are programming socks
>one is a kike star
What does that say about the other boards?
>>89362 #
Luckily I am a vodka speaking slav so I'll try to smooth over whatever tensions we create with the locals.
Я лублю Натсие!
what the fuck
what the FUCK
Wait is this the famed dvach or is that something else?
How could this shit happen? How did meguca actually end up in a buzzfeed article?
I swear to evil christ that everything I joke about comes true in a year, two at most. EVERY THING I JOKE ABOUT COMES TRUE
>>89395 #
I'm not surprised im just disapointed.
Its true that the low IQ are the most disposed towards violence in any group I guess...
>there's a tavern theme
We are truly like the jews now, our home taken and destroyed, refugees among the nations.
Be as cunning as serpents anons.
>>89398 #
I still don't think it was one of us. It wouldn't be like a guca not to ask over and over and over again how to commit violent acts before doing it.
>>89410 #
everything has a season I guess.
Stalin was unironically the best Allied leader tbh.
>>89409 #
yeah but I cared about meguca.
>>89408 #
One day I'm sure.
You have been banned from earth for nazism.
>>89407 #
Fair enough. Than again, i suspect those that ask, never do, those that tell never get caught, so only the impulsive makw the news.
>>89412 #
>yeah but I cared about meguca.
>>89412 #
>You have been banned from earth for nazism.
That's what happened to the real Nazis, most of them anyways.
>>89414 #
Even so, the guy was such a fuckup and it was a one and done deadpost (with poor formatting) that it is more than possible it was a false flag. To begin with, where did that kraut even come from? What prompted him to sperg about us indoctrinating NEETs rather than an 8chan bunker that actually does that stuff?
You guys know if this site is mentioned somewhere else before?
I think it was quite secret before.
>Before 27-year-old far-right extremist Stephan Balliet tried to shoot his way into a synagogue in Halle, Germany, Wednesday, killing two people with homemade weapons nearby, he uploaded a manifesto to a now-deleted general-purpose discussion thread on an obscure message board called Meguca.
I am honestly still in shock
>doorcuck killed a 20 year old white German
For the love of homura.
>Moments later, the killer drove to a kebab shop, where he shot dead a 20-year-old identified only as Kevin S., who was on his lunch break from a nearby construction site where he worked as a painter, his mother told RTL.
I think any actual guca wouldn't be retarded enough to post their shit on guca.
>>89434 #
No, really.
>“He had his whole life ahead of him,” said his distraught mom, identified only as 43-year-old Mandy S.
Unless jews go to kebab shops.
>some threads on other boards are from 2014.
>>89437 #
Photo of the fattie (woman) looks jewish.
I mean look at this nose
Name does not sound very jewish - Jana Lange.
At this isn't Latvia.
>go to /a/
>they're posting bestiality
A russian is going to come home from work and wonder why a bunch of burbers are sitting in his talking spot.
Is frogger still trying to make /homura/?
>>89455 #
It's pretty funny only buzzfeed carried it. He was threatening to contact actual German papers but couldn't get them to bite I guess.
Is this the bunker or what is the official bunker? It better not be spictits' hangout.
>>89458 #
Was this the Hanz faggot? I'll just say that he got doxxed on pigchan for uploading a picture.
The only thing I am worried about is that if some Feds or journofags were lurking the thread when this place was mentioned.
well, we are very slow board, and, you all look like bots or wipe to me
hahaha i don't care
there is literally no anons here
we all know each other
Just hide us in the basement and everything will be fine.
Can we petition julay for a board?
>>89502 #
The webring shouldn't be confused with the constituent boards. smug is alright politically and the admin is NS, supposedly, but don't expect anything more than sympathy for nazis in the designated shitting street.
>>89508 #
General consensus on webring aligned boards seems to be that it's /pol/'s fault and that nu/pol/ is a bunch of fags (true) and so it's better to not have a /pol/ anywhere. The altchan-federation fags like /pol/ more but I think they're all tranny communists (bunkerchan is where leftypol went and that's the flagship site in that faction) so fuck that.
Are you serious about the politics?
Because I fucking hate politics and I hope you all would run away from here ASAP.
>>89514 #
Look, I don't want to see a fucking twitter here.
Post cute things or get lost.
>>89510 #
Look, don't worry about us. We're just going to be in our thread(s) and won't bother you, and when whoever figures out board creation we'll be out of your hair.
>Post cute things
I hope you are just ironically shitposting.
>>89522 #
Admin is sleeping.
No, I must not say a word. Otherwise KGB will find me.
I wonder if anyone warned lat.
>>89518 #
You don't happen to know if users can create their own boards here do you? Or is it admin only?
The fact you listen to a random shlomo goes to show you learned nothing.
Check the thing soon.
To the bo here, I apologize for any disruption. We will be gone soon enough.
Deadposting because cf
My problem with getting it out was everything. My entire machine was fucked up and incompatible. I'm reinstalling everything and will have a message and a more permanent home soon.
>and this is how Russian hackers interfered with the 2020 election for Hillary
>>89534 #
Can I post now?
Sir, I'm sorry if we're bothering you. Our board just got raided and we're trying to shake tail right now. I intend to be out of people's hair here soon if we're a problem. I don't know what your circumstances and stuff are but we don't wish trouble.
Do you like 4chan?
While I'm setting stuff up can anyone give me an update on gook and the shitting street?
>>89538 #
>>89539 #
>setting stuff up
Are we going to have our site?
/a/ is slightly panicked and mostly degenerate.
>shitting street
Same as ever with more gucae, I guess.
>>89539 #
>>89543 #
I can see. Ok.
My english is so bad that I can't have a good conversation with you.
Well, when I said that my english is bad, I mean, I can't speak or write on it. But I still can read! And understand a little.
Would you have some vodka?
>>89547 #
[YouTube] ???
>>89540 #
You'll see soon enough.
>>89541 #
Thats fine, I don't mind. We don't like 4chan because the users are idiots/bakas they bring activists(Antifa/ADL/SPLC/NeoCons~ with them. We want to be as far away from them as possible.
I abstain from drinking.
Nice of shiki to find this place for us though.
>>89543 #
Whenever you get everything ready, how are you going to ensure we get as many gucas as possible? Are the details going to be left here until a local mod gets rid of them?
Just so everyone knows, we're in russian space, and since Russians are our hosts don't do anything to get them fucked with.
>>89554 #
I love Jews and Putin! I especially love how frequently Putin is seen in the company of Jews!
Someone call Wagner batallion and tell them to do us a favor in exchange for an anon going and getting shot for them.
Nazi symbols are, umm, not appreciated in russian media space.
What do you think of comrade Stalin?
>>89557 #
Phos will get bettermaybe. I mean, everyone else has had a shot at putting her back together, so it's not like Aechmea could do any worse.
>>89560 #
Honestly the original Phos is long dead and now she's just an insane chimera of different gems all fighting over what she's supposed to be doing.
>>89562 #
It's just Phos and Lapis in there. Also the gold, sounds like an opportunity for split personality suffering.
>hohol anons invading Moscow, 2023, colorized
>>89564 #
And Gold and whatever the shell was (amber?) and that pearl from the moon, and I'm pretty sure there is one more in there that I'm forgetting.
>>89566 #
I'm afraid that Achmea's pearl is making her more stupid.
>>89568 #
I especially don't like that Russian-Ukrainian conflict and try my best to avoid that pile of crap.
>>89570 #
Sorry if this place looks hostile.
Has anyone managed to get a working board yet?
>>89567 #
It almost certainly is, he put it in her to spy through and influence her, and it's probably not completely compatible with her body.
>>89574 #
Could Lapis also have her own influence just like Ghost on that black nigger gem?
I mean, that Phos don't show her own will because it was substituted by Lapis'
Hope that lunarian bastard didn't destroy precious Lapis' eye.
In about 1 hour I should have a working beam to tell everyone the message.
>>89578 #
Yes, and it's pretty clear that Phos has changed significantly with each new gem being added to her. I'm not sure if Phos even makes up most of her own body anymore, which means that most of her memories and personality are from the other gems. Lapis probably has an outsized influence on her because it's her head and lapis was always said to be especially clever.
We seem to have shaken the feline so we're down to a core here.
Literally everyone is already here anyway.
Now that meguca is KIA you know what you have to do
>>89605 #
No, someone copypasted the post from 0net, and then a krautchan autist falseflagged it as us and emailed buzzfeed.
>>89615 #
SO basically we're getting fucked over because journos just believe the first retard to tell them something and can't into 0net
>>89623 #
Ok I'm sure this goes without saying now but don't post anything like a manifesto on the chan you actually frequent, alright?
>>89619 #
Так откуда вы, если мегука не упала?
Я удивляюсь вашему западному миру. То, какое влияние имеет мнение немытой толпы или низкосортных журналистов.
Какой-то мир победившей охлократии.
>>89645 #
Извините, если прозвучало грубо. Но по-другому видеть вашу ситуацию не могу. Слишком мало информации.
Meguka is seems to be all right. So where are you from? I can't understand a thing.
>>89633 #
You were expelled for «toxic free speech», nazi or whatever, right?
Only the political board was deleted.
Because of the synced count I would share this info if I could livepost, but sadly I'm down to deadposting for reasons.
The point is we're going mobile right now. We're going to be following russian rules for a while. I'm currently recompiling the software and importing configurations. I'll send out emails to certain parties soon.
The email ring is people that were in it for reasons before the 2018 newfag wave or they're meidos. It will probably let everyone in pgp know where we are.
>where are we from
We're from the source.
>shut down
Unclear, we're getting out of the way because we're not sure what's happening.
We are the definition of everything our media hates and more.
>>89630 #
Если журналюги нас здесь тоже найдут то мы быренько свалим, главное вам анимэшникам не беспокоиться.
>>89647 #
This place is a message… and part of a system of messages… pay attention to it!Sending this message was important to us. We considered ourselves to be a powerful culture.
This place is not a place of honor…no highly esteemed deed is commemorated here… nothing valued is here.
What is here is dangerous and repulsive to us. This message is a warning about danger.
The danger is in a particular location… it increases toward a center… the center of danger is here… of a particular size and shape, and below us.
The danger is still present, in your time, as it was in ours.
The danger is to the body, and it can kill.
The form of the danger is an emanation of energy.
The danger is unleashed only if you substantially disturb this place physically. This place is best shunned and left uninhabited.
What if your buzzfeed putas come here?
Can I say to them something rude?
>rude to buzzfeed
They are parasites who stole oc, reposted it and made clickbait money off it. Being rude to them is the least of things they deserve, but not the most.Also your admin has better taste in anime than Lat.
>19 synced
nani nani?
>rising sync
Someone is leaking on to chen. Or cheetah has been spamming links.
You think you have it bad, r/a/dio doesn't even have a DJ on friday
ah, and by we I mean the two or three people who for WHATEVER reason went to chiruno's bunker like 30 minutes ago now.
Why it woke up after a 54 day nap, I don't know.
You don't have permission to set up a board here. I have one set up right now I just can't post the link for reasons that are obvious.
The board I have is for us. I don't about the permission for it yet. I'm going to ask about that later. Again follow Russia's rules and we should be fine.I think we can skimp the nazi stuff, but yuri is going to be a bigger challenge for our weebs
>>89687 #
Oh well.Typical of tanya to pick one of the first boards in a list of liveboards as a bunker.
Who the fuck runs this place? How do we know it's not another tranny like Latimer?
>who the fuck runs this place
No idea, but we're not staying so we shouldn't care too much.
>what do you think of stalin
If he wanted to kill off germans, theres this one boomer I wish he hit.
>>89702 #
Probably back to meguca once the heat dies down. If latimer would even be ok with us going back.
>>89705 #
>Probably back to meguca
I thought that was blue who deleted /pol/, after Lat decided to try out the global moderator class
>obsessed with jews
Lately they've been obsessed with us. To clarify we're also anti-christian. But Pro-Islam for Hezbollah
>>89716 #
What the fuck is this? Why are your fucking runes so fucking gay? Speak the male language, tranny.
>>89721 #
I said that everyone here believes kikes to be the root of all issues.
Smh learn to slavspeak.
Damnit which one of you niggers replied to my post in script that there was no bunker. There is a bunker, Im typing in it right now. Thought I had to put up with the spammers on chen forever.
Heh these slav weebs manage to be even worse than our weebs. Fucking indistiguishable from nips.
>>89725 #
fixed you
Thats scary. Are you multiplying?
>>89747 #
That's ok.
So how did you learn Russian?
I like nice boards
Is it illegal to talk about the jews in slavistan or something?
No ones said anything.
>froglips is absolutely at home speaking russian and posting porn
I do trust in Froglips and Wes' crazy devotion to recover from this episode of Meguac. Thank you based slavs for hosting us.
so we nazbol unironical in order to fit in now?
>>89769 #
>>89756 #
It's not even me. I don't speak ruski.
I'm giving up on trying to make a board btw, hopefully whoever got permission to do it will deliver soon.
Raiden cool it with the autism please.
Well it was fun to observe and talk with you, but morning is here and I must get some rest. Bye guests.
Reki resides in France, rakete resides in Syria.
>the exact same captcha bug
Rakete, froglips, cheetah, all the same person, the same CIAnigger.
>Berlin (dts news agency) - Stephan B., who killed two people in Halle (Saale) on Wednesday, announced his deed a few minutes earlier in an image board called "Meguca" according to a report in the "Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung". There he uploaded a collection of instructions and 3D print models on weapons making and wrote: "Of course there are dozens of improvised designs out there, so what's so special about mine? Quite simply, I prefer a live test" - including the link to the livestream showing the assassination attempt from B.'s perspective. The reactions under B.'s contribution show that the video was downloaded by other users within 49 minutes and then distributed on other channels.
The relevant section of the Meguca Forum called "meadhall" went offline in the night from Wednesday to Thursday after research by the "Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung".
"Meguca" shall now be the new bernd. Prove me wrong.
So should I like flee the city tonight?
#8ball (Hell yeah, motherfucker!)
I feel like we must be deep in the shit now, VPNs or no.
>>89819 #
>Who were those 5 people watching the livestream?
Comments like this in response to Twitch posting stats made me jej
Berlin (dpa). The social networks claim that the assassin of Halle, Stephan B. was not born in Germany. Several users write on Facebook that until recently there had been a profile there with the name of the assassin.
He was mainly friends with Arabic-speaking users. It is therefore speculated that the perpetrator was an Arab who arrived in Germany in 2015. Others write that the real name of the assassin is "Hafid Harouri", he was born in Iran.
This is known
According to information from security circles, the assassin was born in Eisleben (Saxony-Anhalt) in 1992. In Helbra near Eisleben, where the assassin lived in his youth, the German Press Agency also spoke with his parents' neighbours. There is no serious indication that the information provided by the authorities is false and that the perpetrator is not from Germany.
Doubts sown
After the identity of the assassin from Halle became known, users in social networks sowed doubts about the information provided by the authorities. A Facebook profile, which had been deleted in the meantime and which is said to have carried the assassin's name, serves as alleged evidence. It is claimed that the Arabic-sounding name originally associated with the profile proves the true identity of the perpetrator.
Stay up until new board
#d100 (7)
Face to pillows
#d100 (59)
>>89833 #
accurate and horrifying tbhis that the recording of the famed incident where he sang happi flens in public
Good night.
it's very hard to choose a meme circle now
Now some genius has almost leaked the board on chen.
Actually they had a fight, she might be single now.
>>89852 #
>The russians will probably kick us out when they wake up to eleven hundred swastikas.
Hopefully there isn't an english list of russian boards, or liveboards in general.
If the chen meido is on ro the board, ban the idiot. People who aren't in beam will get cut if you don't.
I heard like two or three weeks ago that /pol/ had a Ragnarok server
Is that true?
It's amazing how little drama there is once we "disappear". I love you guys.
>What Arthur – and scores of others like him in Gotham and our own society – needs is a fully-funded Medicare for All or NHS-style health system that includes robust mental health services that provide him with the counseling services and medication that can save him (and others around him) from his unceasingly “negative thoughts” and violent impulses.
>>89866 #
There's plenty of drama on meguca right now actually, it's just totally what /pol/ left for us.
>>89871 #
Latimer took a week off and turned on raving Shamikos.
>rakete retires
>meguc gets named in the MSM
>>89869 #
Honestly we're not even the ones at fault here, it was that KC faggot who blabbed to buzzfeed.
>>89880 #
Please don't bring that shit here. It got old so quick. Don't post anime non stop and don't bitch about the random anime. Divide and conquer is real you faggots.
>>89883 #
You're the faggots that brought anything. You homosexual, valueless degenerate. You are nothing.
>>89883 #
I'm just curious as to what the motives of this wave of people from /a/ who just showed up are.
>>89885 #
>taking refuge on a russian anime site and complaining about anime
God I was really hoping you'd be filtered out by the move. Can you stick to chen? There's no anime there.
And we're back to retarded autistic arguments.
What do you faggots think about buying a used Winchester model 70?
You were all doing so well and now you've fucked it.
is it just me or do you have to do the cloudflare every few minutes or the images break?
>>89890 #
>Model 70
I don't really know about, is it a hunting rifle? What calibre would you get it in?
>can't compile because dependencies
>net keeps cutting out
God fucking damn it.
>>89885 #
Let's not have this be a thing again. I'm not replying to you anon, just highlighting your post.
Shiki is already here.
>>89938 #
My lewd lady of genital judgment was aiding me in penetrating her flesh cathedral!
>>89943 #No, but Shiki always responds.
Laugh at the crying kurds
>171 posts in 45 minutes on the shitting street
How am I opposed to keep up with this? Especially when I'm a bit tipsy and I've got fuckers potentially deleteposting on here. Too much fucking stuff all going on at once and my computer can't handle it either
>He needs public programs that can provide a warm, encouraging environment for his creative impulses, allowing him to perform standup comedy or perform as a clown without becoming a laughingstock on national television or getting canned by an uncaring boss. He needs wages for his care work for his infirm mother or a robust elder care system that can respectfully take her under its care. He needs high-quality housing he can afford.
Things are moving along. Sync up soon with plan.
Not yet. Soon though.
Syncing, message out soon.
>going to be liveposted
I'd like to but I'm getting captcha issues trying to livepost.
I do have plans for a handful of drops.
>drop vpn autism
Never. I refuse.
Oh, for anyone else with the infinite captcha, I fixed it by deleting the cookies/cache/history/etc...
It's the only thing that worked.
Does the russian board still want to be friends with us?
#8ball (Hell yeah, motherfucker!)
Change your vpn or tor to Russia
>>89983 #
Surreal is the right word. I was a day 1 guca and now it's dead. i remember when it was just a few wandering souls occasionally meeting up at a water hole, and now we're an international incident (again.)
>>89986 #
As long as we're still here, the spirit of guca isn't dead. That's really why I just hope gucas don't give up after this, we could all still be here, and lat doesn't even seem to give a shit.
Tesla here?
I'm in, once I catch up everyone will be given the plan
I'll kill myself if I miss it or otherwise don't know what's going on
Good night anons, I hope you don't all disappear somewhere else by the time I get back.
>>90004 #
If you say so, but is is very late.
Message on bunker is out. Get soon, dies fast.
Check beamu
just go to chen, some nigger will leak it eventually (ie within the next day)
>no way, someone might see the bunkerbunkerbunkerbunker
Froglips, unless you're creating a terrorist cell, you're an idiot.
I am developing a method to let some people in to the new place. Please be patient.
>>90021 #
I said already I made the mistake for all this time of never going anywhere but the meadhall. I couldn't tell you.
Being meadhall-only is suffering.
Ranch 2 anon here. Went through a bunker bunker to find this. So this would be my answer? For triple bunker that is. That or aether program anon discussed or mil or moe or mew.
Can i just give you niggers the email i gave shiki and you send me something. No one is here. That is if this place isn’t perm
All gucas should know the contact for the ranch, and the contact for one of the meidos.
Do you really think any fucking buzzfeed nigger or CIAnigger will see it?
Everyone here should know how to get in contact with x or d.
I know how to hit up d if he has the same plain email as before. That doesn’t give me triple quad bunker info though. Or does it?
[YouTube] ???
>The mass murderer known as "Sam hyde", leader of the nazi imageboard "meguca" having an interview with the buzzfeed article writer
Yes, hit up d if you have his email. I will personally send him a copy of the link to the bunker.
I really am going to go now. You're all speaking in tongues about things beyond my clearance level anyway. Thanks for keeping me those extra few minutes, I mean it.
>>90044 #
>You're all speaking in tongues about things beyond my clearance level anyway
That's what happens when gucas start acting like alphabetniggers and start treating their fellow gucas as unworthy.
>>90046 #
Nigger it's not anons fault that he literally ignored everything that was said for months and months and now everything is falling around him.
>>90048 #
>literally ignored everything that was said for months and months
>when the you know what address was posted like twice in the last six months
I'll drop information here in a moment. Give me a chance to sync up here and organize things.
Is guca really going back to meguca in a couple weeks? Will it not be writhing with normalniggers?
All remain calm. Take a T shot. Eat an onion. If you made it here you should be alright. Let the man do his thing. The importance of not leaving EVERYONE behind is understood amongst security precautions.
>i missed it
I think i got it
Am I permitted to post it once more?
Oh no
Do it
jesus christ nobody can CP that fast
I need more than a milisecond.
Now I feel bad I was right the first time
Soft pillows gucs
Hit or miss... guess they always miss.
Ok I found it. Close this place down.
Update, meguca camping is going well, this is my first timr frunk off my ass, we went to a liquor atore.
Never drink with tesla he will onr hundrrd perce t drumk you imder.
For the lovr of god meet your local mrguca I have never had such a good time in my l8fe.
Hitler was rigjt.
I just screamed omprovised antisemitix sea shantoes while walking down a suberbia.
Alcohol was inventes by hitler to save the white race.
Anon just made me eat an entire plate full of onions.
I am a man now.
I think I'm sobering up now, assuming anon does not encourage me to embibe again i expect a full recovery.
Earlier i screamed about how the jews did nine eleven.
Multiple times.
This is my personal drunkposting board
#8ball (Anta baka?)
Putin is watching you.
>everyone switched boards again while I was out
>don't have a beamu card
Life is suffering.
>>90106 #
Just end this pain. I don't want to spend the rest of my days screaming at spictits on the chenpen.
Anon am I being eloquent I've made like five drunkposts and you onlu responded to one,I showrd your my heart please anwser me
Jews are the ultimate in shamelessness though.
How is the weather in russia right now?
>>90121 #
I notice whenever burger has cold weather europe has hot weather. I'm just retarded probably.
>>90122 #
Fuck no I'm retarded in my last post both temps were in farenheit and therefore equivalent.
Though its day in russia and night in cali so make of that what you must.
The great thing about being the computer fuhrer will be permabanning anyone who gives their software names like "GImp" or "Mutt"
Day two of camp guca.
I got absolutely totally shitfaced last night.
The hangover is surprisingly light.
I thinknits cause I also drank two gallons of water and ate an entire pound of meat.
>>90135 #
No, but theres no gay to shock away.
We're gonna head out of camp, back to his place and build his fucking death ray now, he has all the parts he just hasnt put it together like the nigger of the isles he is.
>>90135 #
So how was your night friend?
I just want to say that camping within walking distance of a liquor store is a mistake and never to do it.
>>90141 #
Good lad.
Tesa talks a lot of shit about you weebs, but you're not half as degenerate as going on a drunken bender and wandering through a suburb singing improvised antisemitic jingles, which is what we did on our second trip to the liquor store.
Are you here shiki?
I dont speak subhuman.
>>90164 #
No i'm surrounded by weebs and have learned the moonrunes via contact high and apotheotic mimdscape transposition inthrough the hive connection of thr guca swarm mind.
>>90166 #
No i am literally still kinda drunk from last night.
We're at the chipotle now though.
Tesla says hi
>everyone is still here
Thank god, I was getting worried that this time everyone moved somewhere else without me knowing.
>>90167 #
Hi Tesla.I wish I could meet my local guca, but if he even exists he'd probably kill me. And it would be weird because we'd think the other one was a CIAnigger
>>90169 #
Not really, but I think the others watch this place for now. Going to chen is your best bet for general gucaposting.
>>90170 #
Thats just how it goes.
We're still like 90% sure our other guca friend is literally a cianigger.
>>90174 #
To be honest though, I'm about 75% convinced froggers is a CIAnigger and I still talk to him about making guns and shit. Maybe I'm a fucking chad who doesn't give a fuck, maybe I'm so lonely I'll talk to anyone even if it means they'll van me
Speaking of actual CIA, has our guatemalan gunrunner friend shown up lately?
Substance abuse is neato, I see why you guys do it.
what the fuck is even going on
What exactly happened? Did the BM thing go to shit already? Heh that's what you niggers get for leaving me out.
>>90250 #
Hey anon, you still around?
I can give you some info on the situation that went down last night
Reply to this post if you want to know
Looks like I am, funny how I used to be fine coming back the next day to refresh the thread
>>90258 #
I'm gonna do the same thing I did for the other guy and give you a BM address. You have it?
BM-[Baleeted] ; Ah, looks like you're afk
With how spergy everybody is about leaking bunkers its best not to give too much information on places that can be archived, It shouldn't be too hard to find one of the new meetups in this thread though
>>90259 #
Here I am, are you here? The other anon that replied to you was an impersonator btw. I'll be here for a couple more hours.
>>90264 #
It's all gone to hell, the spammer is in all the bunkers, including this one right now, posting screencaps and reporting to cnn.
Basically go back to chen, which is currently locked due to spamming but might come back again in a few hours/days.
We've been C&D trannied hard, try no to let it get to you.
>>90265 #
>all the bunkers
>even the BM ones
Fucking wew. This is what happens when weebs are allowed in our midst. Do you think it's an actual autist or just paid to do this? The dedication is suspicious.
>>90266 #
Is there a difference? Even if you're getting paid by the ADL, you've got to be fucked in the head to be this dedicated.
Also be aware that anyone/everyone you talk to could be him/it. I'm suspecting you right now, make sure to suspect me too.
You can PROBABLY trust yourself, but I leave that up to you. Nothing really important to say, make your own decisions from here.
eeeehh are meguac russians now
Was gone for a little while. Glad I found you guys.
What the heck happened to chen?
Anybody European and not absolutely retarded is going to find you guys, but I won't leak what I know.
Heh now even chen is dead. You niggers all on beam now aren't ya?
This is gay, now I don't know where anybody other than pigniggers are.
>>90705 #
I'm starting to think they all fucked off to non-/pol/ boards. I imagine the weebs went to /a/ bunkers, the few sane anons either no longer visit imageboards or are secretly on /facism/ or whatever. Keep in mind only a couple anons were still in the chen meadhall, we were missing a lot of people there, a vacumm that was filled by pignogs. You could tell because there were no longer any high IQ posts after /pol/ got axed.
This could well be the end, anon. If you're not in the gay email clique or on beam you're pretty much isolated.F
>>90705 #
They have a sekret bunker so sekret that they won't even say it on other sekret bunkers. Whatever I'm just going to build my own shit for now. It will be a rough landing but meadhall.tk is open for now
They are all in russia or on the beamu. Hold fast lads.
>tesla turned out to be a racemixing faggot
Great! I hope we keep switching sites until all the traitors amongst us are revealed.
I'm still here in the new year.
>>91191 #
Tesla wasnt a racemixer but shiki turned out to be a kike that is willing to dox anons because he cant stand a female calling him a weak faggot.
>>91832 #
Who did shiki dox? Tesla and his warchief were trying to dox everyone else. You are probably spictits yourself or Tesla.
>>91834 #
Shiki tried to dox Tesla because a femanon called him a faggot. Spictits and Tesla didnt try to dox anyone and all the threads of Pel are still there for anons to read themselves unlike xomy. You can fucking kill yourself you are a fed and should be shot for what you are doing. Trying so desperately to spam loli to anons irl identities by datamining them as subversive kikes. Fuck you.
So what the fuck happened? Why is /xomy/ locked? Who doxed who?
>>91832 #
Don't even try to deny your treachery, you piece of shit. Honorary shitskin.
>>91837 #
Fuck you fedcuck, go read the board if you want answers. Only one that ever threatened to dox anyone was shiki against Tesla.
>literal fucking fed rounding up anons through email.
Die a horrible death faggot kike your projection is weak. Ask your handler for the directions to your local police station while you are at it.
>>91838 #
>says the fucking traitor that works with an alphabet prostitute
Fucking kill yourself you slimy fucking jew. Drink nitrogenic acid before I rip your arms out and beat you to death with them. You were always fucking cancer but one has to be really fucking low to fucking racemix after all we've been through. DEATH TO ALL TRAITORS. DEATH TO ALL SHITSKINS.
>>91839 #
You dont know who I am but the feds know who you are. Enjoy your pedo bunker full of subversive fedkikes.
>>91840 #
If they know anything about me is because you allowed that fucking whore to remain there and datamine us. All because you wanted to scratch an itch, I bet she hasn't even fucked you yet LMAO white knight piece of shit faggot.
>pedo bunker
What the fuck are you rambling about you fucking schizo nigger?
>>91841 #
You are so bad at projection, you are following emails from fucking faggot anons its like you want to be arrested or red flagged you idiot. You have no idea you are rolling with pigs. I dont think you know fucking anything but how to be an idiot faggot. Cry harder queer.
>>91842 #
Faggots, traitors I don't give a shit they're all going to fucking die. What you think I'm a friend of that avatarfaggot or something? Think again you fucking lowlife. I hate you all, equally, and you will equally be fucking slaughtered like the worthless vermin you are when the time comes. What the fuck are you fucking sperging out about you fucking fed?
>hurr hurr the feds are coming to get ya!
This is your one and only chance to explain yourself.
>>91843 #
They are pedophile enabling degenerate fedcuck faggots that tried to send cp to teslas cell phone directly because of fucking board drama. Do you understand these are kids playing with adult lives forgetting that they are willfully following clear fed tactics by emailing, leaving a wide site that doesnt share ips for a random one and allowing degeneracy through loli, and pedorape porn.
>>91844 #
>shiki trying to send cp to teslas phone
How in the world would you know this and where is the proof? I would not put it past the fagggot but it's hard to believe they actually had each other's phones.
>>91845 #
He said so anon shiki said he was, he threatened him with exposing his address, then instead sent cp to a number he thought was Teslas phone by looking up local electricians. It was in xomys last deleted thread. Never has any other anon threatened such a thing, it is unheard of and its fucking glowing.
>>91846 #
Now that you mention it, I did see, in one of the first posts of yesterday's thread, something about shiki knowing where Tesla lived or something. I didn't think it was actually real. So what happened then?
>>91847 #
He sent cp to the wrong number and then decided with the other BOs for unknown reasons to delete everything and make anons email them. Pel has everything up but its buried in pedoporn trash bins but really it comes down to shiki too board drama and escalated it to rl meatspace doxing. The drama was also not even real, it was about silly shit that could have cost an anon everything and in doing so jeopardized other anons by default. Its insane.
>>91849 #
He had some things correct but didnt match the right cell phone, he could be lying not sure why he would threaten a dox, use real information hes subvertively gathered and then not shitpost the porn he spent 13 hours shitposting the day before.
>>91852 #
This whole thread is the one it happened in. He confesses to being the spammer multiple times and gives his reasoning which is he doesnt want femanons on imageboards. Most of the childrape is gone so the bins can be opened to see his words if you want. This is a grab from one of their delete boards during it.
>>91853 #
All I see is weird anime porn. No CP. So far you've proven shiki spammed /pel/, nothing more.
>>91854 #
The images have been deleted, I proved he spammed pel with pedorape cartoons, then threatened and attempted to dox someone and closed the board to force anons that want to be with him to email and go some where else. Thats fucking fedshit.
>>91855 #
I guess all that is left is to see what ends up happening. All I know is that I fucking hate both of them.
OH JESUS HITLER CHRIST, have I fount my way back to the hivemind?
is this the genuine followup to megu?
Well I get that I'm the only one connected right now, but the board culture is identical.
glad to have found you guys again, I'll be around the hall, wesenlust famalam.
My computer fried, and I lost the URL to the chan everyone went to after chen. I think Tesla was BO of it.