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>>90180 #
But you're saying this on a Russian chan that you were herded to.
>>90182 #
>>90179 #
So much wasted potential, gucas coukd have been god tier operators if they'd been born in a white society.
>>90180 #
I prefer russian glowniggers to american
Substance abuse is neato, I see why you guys do it.
>>90188 #
They'll conscript our memetic power to stochasticize all the terrorism.
>>90190 #
We may be back soon enough if new home is compromised.
Tell me what is a Nullcian?
>>90193 #
what the fuck is even going on
>>90235 #
>>90232 #
Bunkers were leaked and BM is 'compromised' and its all gone now.
>>90236 #
>>90235 #
I don't literally anybody would've cared if the three spammers hadn't sperged out
>>90243 #
They have to regroup somewhere
What exactly happened? Did the BM thing go to shit already? Heh that's what you niggers get for leaving me out.
>>90252 #
>>90250 #
Hey anon, you still around?
I can give you some info on the situation that went down last night
Reply to this post if you want to know
>>90258 #
Looks like I am, funny how I used to be fine coming back the next day to refresh the thread
>>90258 #
I'm gonna do the same thing I did for the other guy and give you a BM address. You have it?
BM-[Baleeted] ; Ah, looks like you're afk
With how spergy everybody is about leaking bunkers its best not to give too much information on places that can be archived, It shouldn't be too hard to find one of the new meetups in this thread though
>>90260 #>>90264 #
>>90261 #
I'm not an emailfag
the bitmessage channel is ded
Most that I don't have access to
>>90261 #
>>90261 #
No, different anon. I used to have a couple folks emails but that got lost in the shuffle along the way.
>>90259 #
Here I am, are you here? The other anon that replied to you was an impersonator btw. I'll be here for a couple more hours.
>>90265 #
>>90264 #
It's all gone to hell, the spammer is in all the bunkers, including this one right now, posting screencaps and reporting to cnn.
Basically go back to chen, which is currently locked due to spamming but might come back again in a few hours/days.
We've been C&D trannied hard, try no to let it get to you.
>>90266 #
>>90265 #
>all the bunkers
>even the BM ones
Fucking wew. This is what happens when weebs are allowed in our midst. Do you think it's an actual autist or just paid to do this? The dedication is suspicious.
>>90267 #
>>90266 #
Is there a difference? Even if you're getting paid by the ADL, you've got to be fucked in the head to be this dedicated.
Also be aware that anyone/everyone you talk to could be him/it. I'm suspecting you right now, make sure to suspect me too.
You can PROBABLY trust yourself, but I leave that up to you. Nothing really important to say, make your own decisions from here.
>>90268 #
>>90267 #
He's posting on chen right now. Ctrl + F ''traitor leaker'' in the new thread.
>>90269 #
>>90268 #
I think he's posting in this thread right now, same search. I'm out.
>>90270 #
eeeehh are meguac russians now
>>90279 #
Was gone for a little while. Glad I found you guys.
What the heck happened to chen?
>>90428 #
Anybody European and not absolutely retarded is going to find you guys, but I won't leak what I know.
>>90455 #
>>90457 #
Bloody fuggin hell, I apologise for the spam and will go back to lurking.
>>91858 #
Heh now even chen is dead. You niggers all on beam now aren't ya?
This is gay, now I don't know where anybody other than pigniggers are.
>>90706 #>>90710 #
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>>90705 #
I'm starting to think they all fucked off to non-/pol/ boards. I imagine the weebs went to /a/ bunkers, the few sane anons either no longer visit imageboards or are secretly on /facism/ or whatever. Keep in mind only a couple anons were still in the chen meadhall, we were missing a lot of people there, a vacumm that was filled by pignogs. You could tell because there were no longer any high IQ posts after /pol/ got axed.

This could well be the end, anon. If you're not in the gay email clique or on beam you're pretty much isolated.
>>90705 #
They have a sekret bunker so sekret that they won't even say it on other sekret bunkers. Whatever I'm just going to build my own shit for now. It will be a rough landing but meadhall.tk is open for now
>>91001 #
They are all in russia or on the beamu. Hold fast lads.
>>90710 #
What happened to meadhall.tk?
>tesla turned out to be a racemixing faggot
Great! I hope we keep switching sites until all the traitors amongst us are revealed.
>>91832 #
I'm still here in the new year.
>>91191 #
Tesla wasnt a racemixer but shiki turned out to be a kike that is willing to dox anons because he cant stand a female calling him a weak faggot.
>>91834 #>>91837 #
>>91832 #
Who did shiki dox? Tesla and his warchief were trying to dox everyone else. You are probably spictits yourself or Tesla.
>>91836 #
>>91834 #
Shiki tried to dox Tesla because a femanon called him a faggot. Spictits and Tesla didnt try to dox anyone and all the threads of Pel are still there for anons to read themselves unlike xomy. You can fucking kill yourself you are a fed and should be shot for what you are doing. Trying so desperately to spam loli to anons irl identities by datamining them as subversive kikes. Fuck you.
So what the fuck happened? Why is /xomy/ locked? Who doxed who?

>>91832 #
Don't even try to deny your treachery, you piece of shit. Honorary shitskin.
>>91838 #
>>91837 #
Fuck you fedcuck, go read the board if you want answers. Only one that ever threatened to dox anyone was shiki against Tesla.
>literal fucking fed rounding up anons through email.
Die a horrible death faggot kike your projection is weak. Ask your handler for the directions to your local police station while you are at it.
>>91839 #
>>91838 #
>says the fucking traitor that works with an alphabet prostitute
Fucking kill yourself you slimy fucking jew. Drink nitrogenic acid before I rip your arms out and beat you to death with them. You were always fucking cancer but one has to be really fucking low to fucking racemix after all we've been through. DEATH TO ALL TRAITORS. DEATH TO ALL SHITSKINS.
>>91840 #
>>91839 #
You dont know who I am but the feds know who you are. Enjoy your pedo bunker full of subversive fedkikes.
>>91841 #
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>>91840 #
If they know anything about me is because you allowed that fucking whore to remain there and datamine us. All because you wanted to scratch an itch, I bet she hasn't even fucked you yet LMAO white knight piece of shit faggot.

>pedo bunker
What the fuck are you rambling about you fucking schizo nigger?
>>91842 #
>>91841 #
You are so bad at projection, you are following emails from fucking faggot anons its like you want to be arrested or red flagged you idiot. You have no idea you are rolling with pigs. I dont think you know fucking anything but how to be an idiot faggot. Cry harder queer.
>>91843 #
>>91842 #
Faggots, traitors I don't give a shit they're all going to fucking die. What you think I'm a friend of that avatarfaggot or something? Think again you fucking lowlife. I hate you all, equally, and you will equally be fucking slaughtered like the worthless vermin you are when the time comes. What the fuck are you fucking sperging out about you fucking fed?

>hurr hurr the feds are coming to get ya!
This is your one and only chance to explain yourself.
>>91844 #
>>91843 #
They are pedophile enabling degenerate fedcuck faggots that tried to send cp to teslas cell phone directly because of fucking board drama. Do you understand these are kids playing with adult lives forgetting that they are willfully following clear fed tactics by emailing, leaving a wide site that doesnt share ips for a random one and allowing degeneracy through loli, and pedorape porn.
>>91845 #
>>91844 #
>shiki trying to send cp to teslas phone
How in the world would you know this and where is the proof? I would not put it past the fagggot but it's hard to believe they actually had each other's phones.
>>91846 #
>>91845 #
He said so anon shiki said he was, he threatened him with exposing his address, then instead sent cp to a number he thought was Teslas phone by looking up local electricians. It was in xomys last deleted thread. Never has any other anon threatened such a thing, it is unheard of and its fucking glowing.
>>91847 #
>>91846 #
Now that you mention it, I did see, in one of the first posts of yesterday's thread, something about shiki knowing where Tesla lived or something. I didn't think it was actually real. So what happened then?
>>91848 #
>>91847 #
He sent cp to the wrong number and then decided with the other BOs for unknown reasons to delete everything and make anons email them. Pel has everything up but its buried in pedoporn trash bins but really it comes down to shiki too board drama and escalated it to rl meatspace doxing. The drama was also not even real, it was about silly shit that could have cost an anon everything and in doing so jeopardized other anons by default. Its insane.
>>91849 #
>>91848 #
If it was the wrong number, then how do you know it happened at all?
>>91850 #
>>91849 #
He had some things correct but didnt match the right cell phone, he could be lying not sure why he would threaten a dox, use real information hes subvertively gathered and then not shitpost the porn he spent 13 hours shitposting the day before.
>>91851 #
>>91850 #
Is there at least proof that he spammed the porn? I don't see anything on /pel/.
>>91852 #
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>>91852 #
This whole thread is the one it happened in. He confesses to being the spammer multiple times and gives his reasoning which is he doesnt want femanons on imageboards. Most of the childrape is gone so the bins can be opened to see his words if you want. This is a grab from one of their delete boards during it.
>>91854 #
>>91853 #
All I see is weird anime porn. No CP. So far you've proven shiki spammed /pel/, nothing more.
>>91855 #
>>91854 #
The images have been deleted, I proved he spammed pel with pedorape cartoons, then threatened and attempted to dox someone and closed the board to force anons that want to be with him to email and go some where else. Thats fucking fedshit.
>>91856 #
>>91855 #
I guess all that is left is to see what ends up happening. All I know is that I fucking hate both of them.
>>91857 #
>>91856 #
We will see. I dont, I am staying on pel, im not going anywhere near those fucks. Take care anon, be safe.
>>90458 #
>My timer is still running
OH JESUS HITLER CHRIST, have I fount my way back to the hivemind?
is this the genuine followup to megu?
>>92862 #
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Well I get that I'm the only one connected right now, but the board culture is identical.
glad to have found you guys again, I'll be around the hall, wesenlust famalam.
>>92862 #
My computer fried, and I lost the URL to the chan everyone went to after chen. I think Tesla was BO of it.
